With Hope & Gratitude: Virtual Poetry Workshop
Dates: 6 Thursdays, January 13 - February 17
Time: 6 - 8 pm
Instructor: Alan Chazaro
Ages: Adult
Genre: Poetry
Price: $395
Has there ever been such a collective desire for a new year to begin? We think not. So let’s take a deep breath together, and let’s put 2021 behind us in order to look forward to hope, community, and literary goals that surely await.
In this 6-week poetry workshop, we'll delve into the layers of joy and humanity that resound within contemporary U.S. poetry. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or simply seeking a new creative outlet, this class will introduce some of the major players in the modern poetry scene to help cultivate our sense of craft, thematic possibility, and most importantly, gratitude.
Each session will include select readings with accompanying discussions, followed by critique of our own work, and prompts to help generate fresh poems on a weekly basis. In doing so, we'll aim to discover a renewed sense of self that is driven through shared optimism and a sharpened voice.

Alan Chazaro is the author of This Is Not a Frank Ocean Cover Album (Black Lawrence Press, 2019) and Piñata Theory (Black Lawrence Press, 2020). He is a graduate of June Jordan’s Poetry for the People program at UC Berkeley and a former Lawrence Ferlinghetti Fellow at the University of San Francisco. He’s a former high school teacher, is currently a creative writing adjunct professor in the Bay Area, and the co-founding editor of HeadFake, an online NBA zine.