Writers on Writing, Volume 14: MK Chavez
"I’m working on a manuscript that uses horror film to explore the experience of other. I’ve been a big horror film fan ever since...

Writers on Writing, Volume 12: Mary Volmer
Mary Volmer is the author of two novels: Crown of Dust and Reliance, Illinois. Her essays, reviews, and short stories have appeared in...

Writers on Writing, Volume 11: Maw Shein Win
Maw Shein Win is a poet, editor, and educator. Her writing has appeared in many journals and several anthologies, including Cimarron...

Writers on Writing, Volume 8: Zoe FitzGerald Carter
Zoe FitzGerald Carter is the author of the memoir Imperfect Endings: A Daughter’s Story of Love, Loss, and Letting Go (Simon & Schuster)....

Writers on Writing, Volume 7: Rick Barot
Rick Barot was born in the Philippines, grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, and attended Wesleyan University and The Writers’ Workshop...

Writers on Writing, Volume 5: Alan Chazaro
Alan Chazaro is a high school teacher at the Oakland School for the Arts, the former Lawrence Ferlinghetti Fellow at the University of...

Welcome to Left Margin
Since last year Rachel and I have worked for a new nonprofit called the Bay Area Book Festival, which takes place every year in downtown...