Writing, Literature, and Happiness:
Personal Essay Workshop
Date: Saturday, May 5
Time: 10 am - 3 pm (with one-hour lunch break)
Instructor: Gila Lyons
Ages: Adult
Maximum Enrollment: 9
Genre: Nonfiction
Price: $150
Our country is founded on the principles of “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” But what does happiness look like or feel like in our world today? Is the pursuit of happiness a worthy one or should happiness be the by-product of a life well-lived? What does happiness look like across cultures and time?
In this course, we’ll attempt to answer these questions by looking at a wide range of literature, from Laozi to David Brooks, Aristotle to the neuroscientist Giles Fraser, the Bhagavad Gita to psychologist Daniel Gilbert, as well as essays and poems by artists and writers. We’ll write about our own thoughts and experiences of happiness (or lack thereof), in response to prompts based on the readings and in free writes. Through studying texts on and writing about identity, materialism, ancient wisdom, mortality, morality, and mindfulness, we’ll make our way to some understanding of the role of happiness in human thought, imagination, and striving, and write compellingly about our own ideas, experiences, and values.

Gila Lyons's work has appeared in The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, Salon, Vox, The Huffington Post, Bitch Magazine, BUST Magazine, The Rumpus, and Ploughshares, among many others. She holds an MFA in literary nonfiction from Columbia University, teaches writing and literature at San Francisco State University, and is at work on a memoir about seeking a natural cure for anxiety and panic disorder while also falling prey to the underbelly of the alternative health movement.
More about Gila: www.gilalyons.com