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Browse our offerings below, or click on a course to see more detail. We offer immersive workshops, shorter writing courses, and online accountability groups for students at all levels. All programs are for adults, except as noted. 
Workshops, Classes, and Writing Groups (Pacific Time Zone):

Write! Just Write! Accountability Write-Ins Writing Accountability Club (ZOOM)
Ongoing  |  Virtual  |  Mondays and Wednesdays  |  5-7pm  |  Grant Faulkner  |  $39/month

1-Day Poetry Class (In Person at Left Margin LIT) CLOSED
June 8  |  Saturday  |  9am-12pm  |  David Roderick  |  $125

Finding Your Voice on the Page 
2-Day Fiction Class (ZOOM) CLOSED
June 17-24  |  Mondays  |  6:00pm-8:00pm  |  Lauren Aliza Green  |  $195

LML Blank Page Series
 2-Day Writing Class (In Person at Left Margin LIT) CLOSED
June 18-25  |  Tuesdays  |  6:30pm-8:30pm  |  Rhea Bryce  |  $60

Summer Revision Crash Course
 10-Day Revision Class (ZOOM + Asynchronous)
July 21-30  |  Click through to see schedule details  |  Anne Beatty and Rachel Richardson  |  $250

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