Fiction Writing: Prompts, Discussion, and Workshop (ZOOM) FULL, Wait list only
Dates: 4 Wednesdays, February 7 - 28
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 pm PST
Instructor: Angela Pneuman
Ages: Adult
Genre: Fiction
Price: $295
This course is a fun combination of pushing forward new work through prompts and brief assignments; workshopping up to 10 pages of a short story or novel with the group; and reading stories and short novel excerpts of published fiction for stimulating discussion.
We'll create a supportive online community and share solutions to common writerly issues like writers' block, publishing efforts, and how to sustain writing while living otherwise busy lives. Plenty of time for open Q&A as well!
Angela Pneuman is the author of the short story collection Home Remedies and the novel Lay It on My Heart. Her fiction has appeared in Best American Short Stories, Ploughshares, New England Review, Viginia Quarterly Review, Los Angeles Review and many other literary magazines, and she has taught creative writing at Indiana University, SUNY Albany, the MFA program at Sarah Lawrence, Stanford University, and Stanford Continuing Studies. She also directs the Napa Valley Writers' Conference.