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FALL 2024
Browse our offerings below, or click on a course to see more detail. We offer immersive workshops, shorter writing courses, and online accountability groups for students at all levels. All programs are for adults, except as noted.
Workshops, Classes, and Writing Groups (Pacific Time Zone):
Write! Just Write! Accountability Write-Ins Writing Accountability Club (ZOOM)
Ongoing | Virtual | Mondays and Wednesdays | 5 - 7pm | Grant Faulkner | $39/month
Late Summer Shorts: 12 Flash Prompts in 12 Days Generative Writing Group (Asynchronous)
September 9 - 20 | Virtual and Asynchronous | Susie Meserve and Rachel Sarah | $50
Next Level: Advanced Poetry Workshop 6-Week Poetry Workshop (In Person at Left Margin LIT)
September 16 - October 28 (No Class on 10/14) | 6 Mondays | 7 - 9pm | David Roderick | $425
Submissions Happy Hour 5-Week Publishing Class (ZOOM)
September 16 - October 14 | 5 Mondays | 5:30 - 6:30pm | Anne Beatty and Rachel Richardson | $225
The Arc of Picture Book Writing 6-Week Picture Book Workshop (ZOOM)
September 18 - October 30 (No Class on 10/9) | 6 Wednesdays | 6 - 8pm | Meera Sriram | $395
Speaking from Experience: Writing Personal Narrative 4-Week Personal Essay Workshop (ZOOM)
September 28 - October 19 | 4 Saturdays | 10am - 12pm | Jaclyn Moyer | $275
Next Level: Advanced Memoir Workshop 6-Week Memoir Workshop (In Person at Left Margin LIT)
October 2 - November 6 | 6 Wednesdays | 7 - 9pm | Monica Wesolowska | $425
Show the Cliché: Creation, Revision, and Joy 1-Day Fiction Class (In Person at Left Margin LIT)
October 5 | Saturday | 10am - 1pm | Tomas Moniz | $125
The Poetics of Childhood: Writing about Early Memories 1-Day Poetry Class (ZOOM)
October 19 | Saturday | 10am - 1pm | Madeleine Cravens | $125
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