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The Final Push: Finishing Poems (Virtual)

FULL--Registration Closed

Dates: 4 Mondays, April 20 - May 11 
Time: 7 - 9 pm 
Instructor: Rachel Richardson 
Ages: Adult 
Genre: Poetry
Price: $245

It can feel easy to draft poems, and even to revise them in fits and starts. But then what? How do you know a poem is done and solid enough to submit to magazine editors? In this short workshop, which will be conducted on Zoom (a user-friendly video platform), we’ll do the work of choosing poems to finish and get out there. We'll workshop your best pieces intensively, with the goal being to help each author polish and prepare poems for publication. 


In addition to thorough workshop, class time will include discussion of literary magazines, submission guidelines, and strategies for publication. You will leave this class with several finished poems and the confidence to submit them to magazines and share them widely. 

Rachel Richardson is a co-founder and co-director of Left Margin LIT. She is also the author of two books of poems, 

Hundred-Year Wave and Copperhead.


Rachel has taught at a number of universities, including Stanford and USF’s MFA in Writing program, and at San Quentin Correctional Facility. She has been awarded NEA and Wallace Stegner Fellowships, and her poems have been published in the New York Times MagazineSlate, and many journals. 

More about Rachel:

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